Friday, September 19, 2008

No FB!

1) I just started workin on Monday. And that was after i had handed in my dissertation on Fri. And that was after flexing for 3 months..well, just more than one month,...with optmisation and simulations!

2) Being a gud company that it is, almots all sites are blocked..including Facebook. You try to access any of teh sites, I am starkly warned...ACCESS DENIED!
So i guess am not paid to surf FB, chat onlie,or even check mail!! That does not mean i have been paid yet, coz am only five days old)

Man, life is tight. So i need a house that has got internet in it.
Ok, i better sign out, lest i be found blogging....else I am forever screwed!! damn, did i hear the door just outta here!!

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