Friday, February 22, 2008

LRA-Uganda Govt Deal

Full statement of new govt-LRA deal


This Implementation Protocol (the Protocol) to the Agreement on Comprehensive Solutions (the Principal Agreement) signed between the Government of the Republic of Uganda (the Government) and the Lord's Resistance Army/Movement (LRA/M) (the Parties) on 2nd of May 2007 provides as follows:

1. This Protocol sets out the framework by which the principles and commitments agreed in the Principal Agreement are to be implemented.The contents of the Protocol shall not in any way limit the application of that Agreement, whose provisions are to be implemented in full.

Participation in National Politics and Institutions (Principal Agreement: Part C)
2. In recognition of the Constitutional obligation to reflect the National Character, the Government in making public appointments shall ensure commensurate representation of the people from the conflict-affected areas.

3. In furtherance of the above provision, the liaison mechanism referred to in clause 37 (c) of this Protocol shall recommend to the Government names of persons from the conflict-affected areas to be considered for appointment into political posts as well as the public and diplomatic services; provided that any appointments made shall be based on merit and in accordance with the laws of Uganda.

Referral to Equal Opportunities Commission
4. During the implementation of the Final Peace Agreement, the Government shall ensure that the Equal Opportunities Commission is appointed and becomes operational.

5. In accordance with section 5 of the Equal Opportunities Commission Act, the Government shall consider for appointment persons from North and North Eastern Uganda to the Equal Opportunities Commission.

6. The Government shall in accordance with clauses 4, 5 and 6.1 of the Principal Agreement refer to the Equal Opportunities Commission the question of any regional or ethnic imbalances and disparities in participation in Government departments and institutions.

7. The Government shall act expeditiously on the recommendations of the Equal Opportunities Commission.

8. The Government shall facilitate any Ugandan living abroad who wishes to return to Uganda, and shall protect the personal security of those who return.

Education and Training
9. The Government shall adopt and actively promote a policy for increasing access to tertiary education and training for persons from the conflict-affected areas. This shall include the provision of additional scholarships to be allocated according to districts.

Judiciary and Policing Issues (Principal Agreement: Clause 7)

10. The Government will strengthen the institutions of justice in the conflict-affected areas especially through the programmes of the Justice, Law and Order Sector.

11. The Government will strengthen the deployment of the Uganda Police Force in the conflict-affected areas.

Institutional Arrangements for Security Organs (Principal Agreement: Clause 8)
12. The Government shall continue to ensure that the composition of the armed forces and other security agencies reflects the national character; including regional and gender diversity.

13. In furtherance of Clause 8.2 of the Principal Agreement, the Government shall assess the experience and rank of former LRA combatants and integrate into the armed forces or other security agencies any combatants who are willing to join.

14. LRA combatants who join in accordance with the above paragraph shall be afforded the opportunity to undertake training or promotional programmes.

15. The treatment of other LRA combatants shall be determined in accordance with other agreements and arrangements.

Return, Resettlement and Rehabilitation of Internally Displaced Persons (Principal Agreement: Part D)
16. The Government shall develop and implement a strategy for assisting the return and resettlement of internally displaced persons (IDPs) from the affected areas in accordance with the IDP policy. In implementing the strategy, the needs of IDPs who have already returned will be taken into account to ensure equitable support for resettlement.

17. The Government shall facilitate the process of the return of any internally displaced persons in accordance with the terms of the Internally Displaced Persons' Policy.

Economic and Social Development of North and North Eastern Uganda (Principal Agreement: Part E)
18. The Government shall promote recovery programmes in the affected areas, and in particular, shall implement the Peace, Recovery and Development Plan (PRDP) expeditiously, and will further ensure that the Plan reflects the principles and commitments of this agreement.

Business incentives
19. The Government shall support business and investment initiatives in the conflict-affected areas and shall identify and commit special funds to the implementing agency for that purpose.

20. The Government shall promote policies and programmes to address and mitigate any adverse environmental impacts of the conflict.

Institutional Framework (Principal Agreement: Clause 11)
21. The programmes for recovery of the affected areas as set out in Part E of the Principal Agreement shall be implemented through the agency and mechanisms identified in Clause 11 of the Principal Agreement.

22. The Government shall prepare and introduce legislation forestablishing the agency and the relevant mechanisms, and shall ensure that the agency commences its work as soon as possible after the enactment of the legislation.

23. The mechanism of implementation will ensure easy access to dedicated funds by communities in the conflict affected areas for their resettlement and for the enhancement of productive capacities.
24. The Legislation establishing the agency will provide for the adoption of sound management and accountability controls.

25. In the appointment of officers to the above agency, the Government shall give particular consideration to persons from the conflict-affected areas with the required qualifications and experience.

Victims and Vulnerable Groups (Principal Agreement: Clause 12)
26. The Parties agree that the Government shall develop and implement a policy for the support and rehabilitation of the victims of the conflict.

27. The policy for the support of victims and vulnerable persons and the mechanisms for its implementation shall be consistent with the principles and mechanisms relating to the Agreement on Accountability and Reconciliation.

28. The policy shall include, and the Government shall establish, a special fund for victims, out of which reparations shall be paid, including reparations ordered to be paid by an institution established pursuant to the Agreement on Accountability and Reconciliation.

Livestock (Principal Agreement: Clause 13)
29. The Government shall implement the restocking programme under the supervision of the implementing agency identified in clause 11 of the Principal Agreement, and in accordance with clause 13 of the Principal Agreement.

Transitional Security Arrangements (Principal Agreement: Part F)
30. The agreement between the Parties on disarmament, demobilisationand reintegration shall specify the arrangements to ensure the safety of members of the LRA.

Issues Relating to Land (Principal Agreement: Clause 14)
31. The Government shall ensure that landowners whose lands have been used for the benefit of displaced persons or otherwise appropriated during the conflict are duly compensated or receive redress in accordance with the terms of the Principal Agreement.

32. The Government will give priority to strengthening the capacity of District Land Boards and other tribunals in the affected areas to oversee and adjudicate cases of land ownership and disputes.33. The implementing agency referred to in Clause 11 of the Principal Agreement shall monitor any redress relating to land.

Stakeholders' Conference and Implementation (Principal Agreement: Clause 17)
34. The Mediator shall receive from the Parties, as appropriate, reports on the status of the implementation of the Agreement, and shall liaise with the Parties on the preparations for the stakeholders' conference provided for in Clause 17 of the Principal Agreement.35. The full implementation of this Agreement shall commence upon the final disarmament of all members of the LRA under the Final Peace Agreement.

General Provisions36.
In the appointment of members and staff of any implementation bodies envisaged by this Agreement, overriding consideration shall be given to the competences and skills required for the office, sensitivity to the candidate's knowledge of the affected areas, and gender balance.

37. In subsequent agreements, the Parties shall make further provisions relating to the implementation of this agreement, to include the following:
(a) observation and monitoring mechanisms;
(b) a transitional period after the signing of the Final Peace Agreement;
(c) joint liaison and advisory arrangements for implementation of the Final Peace Agreement; and
(d) further timeframes for implementing provisions of the agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the duly authorised representatives of the Parties have signed this Protocol in Juba on the 22nd day of February 2008

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