I first wrote a draft of this blog in Feb 2008, i realised i didnt return to complete this. Even if you do not get anything from this article, at least I have given hope to those who do not trust themselves that they finish something!
I have realised that Ugandans want to identify with something nice or someone famous! Is it because they derive their sense of identity from that! Are we facing an identity crisis?
Are we a classic case of a people who have lost it? Is it because we do not know where to turn to for good news, or for some sort of self worth? Alot of times, we seek our worth from something out there, something very superficial!
The reason why i am saying is that, i was a bit perplexed and surprised when I read a story in the local paper, that students from Makerere University have formed Obama Solidarity Group (OSP. The aim of this support group, which launched its campaigns at Makerere University on January 18 was to mobilise support for Kenyan born- senator, Barack Obama who is vying for the US presidency. Now this is a big joke.
Reading comments by Mr Silver Mulindwa, a Third Year student, and one ot its founder members made me a laugh. He said, "Our group has been formed to see that our candidate gets support from not only Americans but other parts of the world including Uganda because he is a symbol of Africa in a western democracy," He continues, "We have campaigned among the Americans working in Uganda and they have shown support for the candidate." Now this is uttter madness!
Mr Mulindwa claims they have distributed 4,000 copies of flyers, 1,000 badges, 800 car stickers and hundreds of posters to the American citizens, diplomats, academicians, scholars and businesses in Kampala.
"This is voluntary work," Mr Mulindwa said when asked about the campaign financiers. "We receive modest donations from the American friends and other well wishers." He claims that at Makerere University alone, there are two groups that have been formed to campaign for Obama.
We need to get a grip of our selves!!
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