Saturday, July 26, 2008


“PEOPLE DO NOT drift toward holiness.
Apart from grace-driven effort, people do not gravitate toward godliness,
prayer, obedience to Scripture, faith, and delight in the Lord.
We drift toward compromise and call it tolerance;
we drift toward disobedience and call it freedom;
we drift toward superstition and call it faith.
We cherish the indiscipline of lost self-control and call it relaxation;
we slouch toward prayerlessness and delude ourselves into thinking
we have escaped legalism; we slide toward godlessness
and convince ourselves we have been liberated.”

-D. A. Carson, For the Love of God

Transformation is not a one time event, it takes place with time. But is an effort that is driven byth garce of God. It does not happen entirely becasue of our efforts, lest we start to feel proud and feel that we deservesalvation. and somehowGodowes us something because we have proved ourselves. Infact God doesnt owe us anything, he already gave His life for us.

Contrary to what people claim...that you know if we accept Jesus into our hearts, then all will be well in our lives, we will become rich, we shall get job promotions..etc! That is not true! The nly reason why we shouldcome to God isbecause we are sinners who need to besaved by Him.

We owe him everything. Our lives,our breath, our ambitions..everything! And the true test is when, we are willing to accept God and trust in Him, even if everything around us seems bleak! Even if trusting in Him means that we stand to lose everything. Now, this doesnt take place overnight! We need to grow in our faith in Him aswe know more about Him by the day. Infact, it is as He reveals himself to us everyday!

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