Friday, October 31, 2008

Ratios:A lesson in maths!

It’s amazing what ladies want! That movie “What Women Want “in which Mel Gibson starred in was quite a classic. I mean the title was confusing enough; you would dash to watch because you think it would help you sort out all the mystery. But when you go to the cinema, with a knowing smile on your face, thinking...”maybe, just maybe this time...”, and alas, you get you do when you watch many of the current movies!

On a rather random note, I am going for a potential date on Sunday to watch the new James Bond movie, Quantum ofSolace, and am hoping she says she will inform me tomorrow, but somehow I think she will say yes! My my gut feeling is that it is over rated and over most things with a British link!

Anyway, whenever you ask the ladies what it is that attracts them to men, they have all sorts of answers. The legs, eyes, the way he walks...well, nowadays...even the size of the wallet if a big deal! Nevertheless, the answers are as diverse as they are weird! Long gone are the days of true love. Broke guys like me are in shit!!
But there is one thing that most Ugandan girls all agree on is one thing, that the dude has got to be “tall, dark and handsome” () Is it possible for the guy to be tall, dark and un-handsome??

Now, we guys from the North have always had an edge when it comes to the tall, dark and handsome bit!! In this respect, the playing field has always been to our advantage! But there is one thing, one area where we have always fallen short!
Now just one we guys do not need you to tell us that our accent is kinda-not-so-cool!! Well, a little bit off the mark! But this is an area that we have always worked around, with some effort, and probably exposure! I know we the Okellos of the world know that we have got all...almost everything in place!! Pull your chair closer, and let me narrate to you a story!

I had a maths teacher in my early days in secondary school. He was a brilliant man, by any standards! Thinking back, I still wonder why he didn’t end up in NASA, or even ended up teaching rich kids in then Mpigi or Mukono if all options had run out! Well, perhaps he was inspired more by love for his nation of his land than by anything else! There are only a few good men remaining!

In one class, he was teaching the topic of RATIOS. And he had to use an illustration to drive the point home. He used two guys Ochibo (pronounced as Ochibo, with an “h”) and Ochora an example. This is what he says, or rather this is what I heard “If Osibo and Osora are to sare mangos in the rasio of sree to sree, Osibo will not seat Osora and Osora will not seat Osibo. They will get equal sares”

Until, we get our act together and learn how to deal with words that have “ch”or “sh” in their pronunciations we still have a long way to go!