Its been a very period...2 moths of doing assignments, course works..that you have little time to develop yoursefl as a person! I have not been reading widely as much as i should! Somehow the book "Dutch Courage" that i picked up from the Spencers has not shifted as much! Then i just to read my flatmates' blog and go quite challenged by how consistent she is in updating her blog.
And then just as fate would have it, i was reading online news and i came across such articles as "Vacation checklist: prepare your PC" which led me to"7 ways to organize your e-mail".
before i realised it, i was looking through OneNote, the applications software i have in my Office2007.
I then realised that there is such a trememdous opportunity to learn and improve myself and yet i seem to be so busy! OneNote is something that can totally change the way i work! Efficiency is key in a world where there is a look out for only the best brains out there! The issue is what can i do that others cant? How different am i from the thousands of process engineers that are rolled out of the grad schools all over the world!
Only a few get to the top! There is less more space there for these few!